Edit Announcements
This section allows you to set custom announcements that will automatically be sent periodically with a custom delay setting. Upon opening the menu, it will display all the announcements you have active if any.
Add Announcement
When creating a new announcement, it will ask for a name. This must be a unique name and is for admin reference only. Once you have submitted the name, you will be taken to the edit announcement section.
Edit Announcement
This section allows you to edit lines (announcement text), frequency, or delete.
Edit Lines
This section allows you to edit the lines of your announcement. You can add new lines, remove lines, change the order of current lines, or delete them. If you would like to add a gap between lines, add a new line and leave the box empty and submit.
Edit Frequency
This option allows you to edit the frequency in seconds. If more than one announcement has the same frequency, then the announcement sent will be picked at random. This is good if you want to set a bunch of random helpful messages.
Delete Announcement
This option allows you to delete an announcement.