Manage World
The manage world option allows you to change any of the world gamerules from the menu. This is handy if you want to give admins the Admin rank without giving them OP.
There are multiple different settings to change how you want the Server to run.
Message Prefix
Change the prefix used for the Add-On messages, default set to[RMT]:
(with colours).Teleport Timer
Time in seconds before teleporting, used for all player teleports.RTP Radius
Radius in blocks for RTP.RTP in Nether
Allow RTP in Nether.RTP in End
Allow RTP in End.Announce Warns
Announce warnings publicly; warnings given to players are globally announced.Announce Kicks
Announce kicks publicly; kicks given to players are globally announced.Announce Bans
Announce bans publicly; bans given to players are globally announced.Starting Claim Chunks
Starting claim chunks for new players.Claim Chunk Earn Frequency
Frequency in minutes for earning claim chunks.Claim Chunk Earn Amount
Amount of claim chunks earned per frequency.Claim Chunk Max
Maximum claim chunks a player can earn. This includes claim chunks they have ready to use or have already used.Admin Rank Name
Display name of the Admin Rank.Moderator Rank Name
Display name of the Moderator Rank.Claim Safe Radius
The radius in chunks to which you cannot make a new claim next to another player’s claim.Claim Nether
Allow claiming in the Nether.Claim End
Allow claiming in The End.End Locked
Lock players from entering The End. This can be useful for Servers that want to hold an end opening event.Purge Days
Real days before purging inactive player data.Whitelist
Turn on the whitelist so only players on the whitelist can join.Hologram Limit
Maximum number of holograms a player can place in the hologram radius, set to -1 to disable.Max Holograms
Maximum number of holograms a player can place, set to -1 to disable.Mod/Admin Only Holograms
Only allow Mods and Admins to place holograms.Hologram Radius
The radius in blocks for how many holograms can be placed near each other. Mods/Admins override this.Max Homes
Maximum number of homes a player can have. Setting to 0 will disable the feature in the menu.Max Player Warps
Maximum number of player warps a player can have. Setting to 0 will disable the feature in the menu.AFK Time
Time in minutes before a player is marked as AFK; set to 0 to disable.Mod AFK
If Moderators are exempt from the AFK system. Note: Admins are always exempt.AFK Spawn
If monsters can spawn around AFK players. If non-AFK players are also nearby, entities will still spawn.AFK Spawn Radius
Radius in blocks around the AFK player that monsters cannot spawn.AFK Kick
Time in minutes before an AFK player is kicked, set to 0 to disable.
Warning: If using this Add-On on a local world (not a realm), kicks require the world to be restarted before the player can rejoin.Mod Gamemode
If Moderators can change their gamemode between creative and survival.Spy Creative
Spy mode puts player in creative and back to survival when turned off.