Each claim and subclaim has a set of permissions that can be changed. Permissions can be assigned to the following: None - No one other than the claim owner has access or can do this action. Trusted - Only trusted players and the claim owner has access or can do this action. All - Anyone has access or can do this action.
There are multiple different types of permissions; the current sets are:
Build - Placing blocks
Break - Breaking blocks
Use Item - Using items on blocks, such as stripping wood, creating dirt paths or farmland etc
Storage Access - Able to interact with storage blocks:
- Chest
- Trapped Chest
- Barrel
- All Shulker Boxes
- Decorated Pot
- Ender Chest
- Hopper
- Dispenser
- Dropper
- Crafter
Table Access - Able to interact with tables:
- Crafting Table
- Furnace
- Blast Furnace
- Smoker
- Cartography Table
- Grindstone
- Loom
- Stonecutter
- Smithing Table
- Anvil
- Chipped Anvil
- Damaged Anvil
- Enchanting Table
- Brewing Stand
- Beacon
- Lectern
Interactive Access - Able to interact with interactive blocks:
- All Buttons
- Lever
- Daylight Detector
- Comparator
- Repeater
- All Fence Gates
- All Trapdoors
- All Doors
Respawn Block Access - Able to interact with respawning blocks (bed/respawn anchor)
Utility Access - Able to interact with utility blocks:
- Cauldron
- Bell
- Campfire
- Soul Campfire
- Jukebox
- Note Block
- Composter
- Flower Pot
Decoration Access - Able to interact with decoration blocks/entities:
- Painting
- Item Frame
- Glow Item Frame
- All Signs
- All Hanging Signs
Entity Interaction - Able to interact with entities:
- Armor Stand
- Minecart
- Chest Minecart
- Hopper Minecart
- Command Block Minecart
- TNT Minecart
- Sheep
- Cow
- Mooshroom
Misc Access - Able to interact with misc blocks:
- Beehive
- Bee Nest
- Cake
- All Candle Cakes
- Vault
- All Candles
Set Home - Able to set a home in the claim
Set Player Warp - Able to set a Player Warp in the claim