Inventory see (InvSee) allows you to view online players' inventories, hotbar, equipment slots and ender chest.
Once you have selected InvSee in the menu, it will show a menu of online players. You can choose a player from the list to start the InvSee. Once you have selected a player, you are given the following options.
View Inventory - Pulls up the inventory view menu showing all 27 slots. Each button will either show the name of the item or Empty. Clicking a button will open the Slot Edit Menu.
View Hotbar - Pulls up the hotbar view menu showing all 9 slots. Each button will either show the name of the item or Empty. Clicking a button will open the Slot Edit Menu.
View Armor/Equipment - Pulls up the Armor/Equipment menu showing 6 slots (Head, Chest, Legs, Feet, Main Hand, Off Hand). Each button will either show the name of the item or Empty. Clicking a button will open the Slot Edit Menu.
View Enderchest - Pulls up the Enderchest menu showing all 27 slots. Each button will either show the name of the item or Empty. Clicking the button will show more information.
Due to limitations, the enderchest can only show names and quantities and not item data such as enchants. We also recommend not constantly running this as it is quite an expensive method to check.
Clear Inventory - This will clear a player's 27-slot inventory.
Clear Hobar - This will clear the 9-slot hotbar.
Clear Armor - This will clear a player's armor slots.
Clear Enderchest - This will clear a player’s Enderchest
Clear All - This will clear all of the above for the player