Claims are a way to protect land, buildings, chests, and anything else inside of them. Claims are a set of permissions, options and trusted members associated with that dimensions’ “claim”. Unless otherwise set by admins, each player can create one claim in each of the three Minecraft dimensions (Overworld, The Nether and The End). If you do not own any claims, the Manage Claim section in the RMT menu will not show.
What exacly is a claim?
Let's look at the Overworld. If we create a "Claim" this will be our "Overworld Claim", any chunks we add to this claim will all follow the the permissions and options of this claim. Regardless if all the chunks are together of spread a part, they all come under the "Overworld Claim".
Subclaims are a way to assign a group of chunks (not necessarily together) their own set of permissions, trusted players and options. Subclaim chunks do not need to be next to each other, but subclaims are limited to their main claims dimension.
You can create sub-claims in the RMT menu under Manage Claims. You give your subclaim a unique name, and you can assign claim chunks to it. Claim chunks can only be assigned to one subclaim at a time; subclaim permissions, trusted players, and options override the main claim. Subclaims are a good way to give other players their own area within your claim to build and play in, without having to give them access to everything.
Claim Visualisation
Overworld Claim Example

Overworld Subclaim Example

Claim Chunks
Claim chunks are Minecraft chunks you can claim. You are given 10 Claim Chunks when you start, and you gain 1 Claim Chunk every 60 minutes.