Realm Management Tool Menu
There are lots of different buttons and features on the RMT menu. Here you'll find information of all the main player sections. For Moderation and Administration features please see thier individual sections.
The profile is a place to view particular data about yourself.
The current list of data in the profile is:
- Join Date: The date you joined the Server.
- Available Claim Chunks: How many Claim Chunks you can currently claim.
- Ranks: What ranks you currently have.
- Playtime: You current total playtime on the Server.
- Kills: How many player kills you have.
- Deaths: How many times you have died.
- Monster Kills: How many monster kills you have.
- Punishments: The total punishments you have received (Warns, Kicks, and Bans)
Playtime, all kills and deaths are counted from either the start of the Server if the Add-On was installed before the Server opened. Or from the first time you joined/killed/died after the Add-On was installed
The spawn button in the RMT menu will teleport you to spawn. The spawn can be set by Admins or will default to the world spawn point. When you first log into a Server for the first time, Admins have the option to set a First Spawn Point, which is separate from the Spawn.