General Options
Here are some of the general option from the Moderation menu that doesn't require their own pages. Find information of the other features for their dedicated pages on the sidebar.
Toggle Spy Mode
This option lets you toggle spy mode on or off, this will make you invisible to all players including any items held in your hand and armour. By default this will set Mods to creative when turning on and back to survival when turned off, this can be disabled in the settings.
Toggle Gamemode
If this setting has been turned on by Admins, this will allow Mods to toggle between survival and creative.
Teleport to Player
This button allows you to teleport to a player chosen from the online list. Similar to TPA, however, there is no need for the other player to accept the teleport or any teleport cooldown.
Teleport Player to You
This button allows you to teleport a player chosen from the online list to you. Similar to the TPHERE, however, there is no need for the other player to accept the teleport or any teleport cooldown.